Monday, 6 November 2017

Osmania University Hyderabad

Osmania University Hyderabad

Our Vision

The Vision of the University is to generate and disseminate knowledge through a harmonious blend of ancient and modern wisdom, and to serve the society by developing in students heightened intellectual, cultural, ethical, and humane sensitivities; to foster a scientific temper, and to promote professional and technological expertise. Central to this vision is a commitment to regional and national development in consonance with our culture, heritage, and environment.

Our Mission

To achieve excellence in teaching and research To generate, disseminate and preserve knowledge To meet the challenges of a complex, and modern society through informed social outreach To empower through knowledge and information To develop a responsible and productive citizenry To develop, enhance, and improve the quality of human resources To cultivate resolute moral and ethical values To meet contemporary regional and national needs and anticipate future social and economic development To preserve and promote cultural heritage, humanistic and spiritual values

About University Library

The University library system consists of a Main Library and College / Department/Seminar Libraries. The University Library coordinates the library system, which links the libraries in all the campus and constituent college libraries. The main library was established in 1918 along with the University. The Library was shifted to the present building, which was inaugurated by Dr.S.Radhakrishnan, the then President of India on 3rd August 1963. The main library building departs from the traditional use of the Indo-Saracenic arch, but it seeks unity with the older buildings of the campus through the dominant pillars of the entrance portal. It stands majestically inviolable on the highest point of the campus, commanding a panoramic view of the unusually beautiful Deccan landscape. The new building has a floor area of 62,000 sq. ft. It is a fitting symbol of the present decade of progress. The Library is divided into a number of Sections basing on the collection and services offered. They are Text Book Section, Periodical Section, Reference Section, Acquisition & Cataloguing Sections. Additionally, it has Vision of Osmania, Manuscript Section, Theses Section, CERL Section & U.N. Section, which are highlighted.

 Working Hours 

The library is kept open throughout the year except for six days (three national and three festival holidays). It is kept open from 9.00 a.m. to 9.00 p.m. on all working days, 9.00 a.m. to 11.00 p.m. during examinations and 10.00 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. on holidays.


1) Ordering 2) Technical 3) Stacks 4) Text Books 5) Lending 6) Reference 7) Periodicals 8) Computer/Internet Cell 9) UN Depository 10) Theses & Dissertations 11) Government Documents 12) Competitive Examinations Reference Library (CERL) 13) Manuscript 14) Vision of Osmania 15) Digital Library of India (DLI)


 1) Lending 2) Inter Library Loan 3) Photocopy facilities 4) Reference Service 5) CD-ROM Search 6) Internet & E-mail facility 7) Digital Documents on demand



NAAC Self-Study Report-2017


98th Annual Report of the University